Saturday, May 26, 2012



  [no-stal-juh, -jee-uh, nuh-]  Show IPA
a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a formertime in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time

Sometimes I put on my rose-tinted glasses and travel to a well known place we all refer to as nostalgia. Today was one of those days where my mind sees everything covered in sun streaks and I think back to those times that now seem were the happiest, even though we all know for some reason our brain only remembers the good parts of a lot of the past. This blog is going to be a photo blog, so I can share all that I fondly thought about today.

"Bubby" and I

"Bubby" letting me drive the lawnmower!

My mom, brother, and I at our first parade


"Bubby", Ryan and I setting up for his birthday pool party

Fast forward 10 years...

Livvy and a few of her kittens. We rescued this feral cat (finally) after over a year of trying to become her friend and 22 kittens later... She now happily lives with my parents and is appropriately nicknamed "Chunky".

Nikki, the beagle we rescued along with her 8 pups. Each one found a very loving home.

The pups after playing in the sun all afternoon.

My high school best friend, Kacie, and I on vacation in South Carolina. We we absolutely inseparable all throughout high school.

Me in Spain - 2006

The group of art kids and our amazing teacher, Mrs. Wirt in Toledo, Spain. 

My brother and I, Christmas 2007

  My puppy, Jamie and I. He was my college companion and the best listener. He now happily lives on the farm with my parents and takes his job as resident "goat herder" very seriously.

My first experience in a recording studio, seen here with a dear friend of mine and an amazing bass player, Kai Eason.

My brother and I my sophomore year of college, taken on the steps of the Photography building at VCU.

Texas Beach - James River

Family vacation to Hawaii

My mom's horse, Mu'Tazz and I. He was rescued off of a slaughter truck in Pennsylvania and is one of the sweetest creatures on the planet.

Maywho aka "Keht Keht", my crazy Russian alien/dog/cat/human, seen here on my former roommate Patrick's shoulder.

My brother and I on my 21st birthday!

My favorite munchkin, Mikalya at 2 months old. She's now 2 and a half. Sigh.
Melissa, Mikayla and I the summer I lived with them and her husband Mike and au paired for them.

My family and I at my first gig with the band Barrelhouse.

The lovely Kendall Martin, wife of a member of Barrelhouse. I. Love. Her.

Maywho and I taking our morning ride to Starbucks. Yes, he loves car rides.

My first evening in Nashville.

Even after having a long visit with my memory today and at times yearning to be back in those moments, there is no place I'd rather be than right here in Nashville. It was the best decision I have ever made for myself. Even though I've only been here two and a half months, I can already see the positive changes in my outlook on life and myself and the decisions I make because of that. There's no place like home, and I've finally found it.

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